
Ways To Appreciate Your Life

By Rebecca Hicks

If the Law of Attraction works, you will surely appreciate all that you receive as a result of practicing it. Life will be easier and more abundant. However, you actually need to start out with a feeling of appreciation before you can expect good things to come. This is what the Law of Attraction is about.

Just like a child at the holidays you need to believe that truly fantastic things are coming to you. This puts you in a mode where you will be more open to appreciation. The Laws of Attraction show clearly that it is critical for you to have belief that good things can come to you. Being appreciative and open to something you believe is happening sends out positive vibs to the universe. This in turn brings you the good things you seek via The Laws of Attraction.

Without even giving thought of the future, you will use LOA to bring in many wonderful things to you. When you begin on a foundation of gratitude for the many things in your life, you are then focused on the good energy that comes from a happy and grateful mind. The Laws of Attraction become apparent because like attracts like and so being grateful brings you more to be grateful for.

Your mood will dictate your outcomes. So lets say that you wake up in a bad mood because your cranky kids kept you up late. You can decide that morning if you are going to let that bad mood win out. If you let it dominate your thoughts than more negative things will happen to you all day long. When you use and understand the Laws of Attraction, you will see why this happens.

If, however, you brush off the bad feelings and replace them with ones of appreciation you will be surprised at how much better your day will go. Use the Law of Attraction to help you along. You may be thankful that you woke up beside your loving spouse, or you might be thankful that you have a job to go to. Whatever it is, the Law of Attraction will make it work for you.

The Law of Attraction in simple terms, works using a system of appreciation and reward. Sometimes you might have to find new ways to remind yourself to be thankful for the what is good about your life. I have found it really helpful to set aside a block of time each day to think deeply about what I appreciate about my life. My time in the shower is often sufficient to pick me up. Just try to do it daily, and at the beginning of the day, when possible.

Having a daily habit of gratitude will assist the The Law of Attraction with your manifestations. A good luck charm can be a reminder to think positive. Do you have a pet rock or favorite coin? Some people put these items in their pockets. Some put them on a string around their necks. I find running through my list in the morning helpful. But just try to do your attitude of gratitude daily.

When you touch your reminder coin or stone you are training your self to feel appreciation. Then it is of value to pass that appreciation on by acts of kindness. You will find that your mind will become more directed towards happiness and gratitude. And your thoughts are more about what you are thankful for. This is the main core idea about how to put the Law of Attraction into action.

Your mind controls who and what you are. According to the Law of Attraction, it can also change what you have. This may be material possessions, relationships, or health. If you are in a mindset of appreciation, you are in a position to make the Law of Attraction bring to you all that you desire.

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