
Overall Body Massage from Massage Chair Recliners

By James Knolan

One of the most pleasurable and relaxing experiences is getting a whole body massage. All the built up tensions, anxieties and stresses start to melt away as the massage is performed. When people think of massages, they think of a massage therapist working them over little by little to calm and relaxing music. There is something very special about a massage from a trained specialist. Another effective alternative to a massage therapist is a massage chair.

Interestingly, most people think of a massage chair as a luxury. In some cases it certainly is a luxury. However, the impression people have is that massage chairs are expensive. And they are right if you only look at the price tag and not the lifetime value of the massage chair. A massage chair is actually the most cost effective massage treatment available. It can run as little as a dollar a day and no tip required. Now, most people think massage recliners just massage your back. In reality, massage chairs perform whole body massages.

An advanced massage recliner made by Panasonic performs whole body massage. The EP 30004 comes equipped with specialized rollers for the back, neck and shoulders. For the lower body the Real Pro Ultra has an air compression system. The air compression system powers 22 airbags throughout the seat, leg rest and armrests. This system provides gentle or firm compression massage to soothe and relieve aching muscles.

You do not have to go to the spa to relax, if you have the Omega Montage Premier Massage chair. The Montage Premier provides a thorough full body massage from your head to your toes. Additionally, the Montage comes with full body heat, where you can apply heat in the back, seat and the leg rest. The Montage Premier has a built in MP3 player so you can put on the included headphones and relax to your favorite music during the massage. This recliner also has a music synchronization function. This function will massage you to the rhythm of your music.

We are simply amazed at the dizzying pace of innovation with respect to massage chairs. In just a few short years, these recliners moved from doing back and shoulder massage to whole body massage. The level of sophistication of the mechanical movements makes for very fine kneading massage possible. The integration of air compression technology enabled air compression massage to be applied to all the major parts of the body. The continuing advance of software programs and scanning technology allow for more precise location of areas to automatically target for relief.

The gap between massage therapist and massage chair is decreasing at a faster rate. Technology is driving the sophistication of the massage therapies that can be delivered. These technologies are literally enveloping the whole body with effective massage therapy. These massage recliner companies keep applying more and more knowledge to their software. Many massage techniques can be integrated into massage recliners with software programs. They can control the movements, durations, sensations and many other factors all simultaneously. There are some amazing sensations which provide effect relief from tightness or soreness. Imagine having a tireless mechanical masseuse at your disposal 24/7. Having a full body massage can work wonders on your perspective of the world. Come home and plop in the recliner. Slip on the headphones and let the massage chair recliner ease your aches and pains.

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