
10 Domain Name Tips - That Can Make You Money Online

By Dr. Kang-pang Chan

There are certain things you will need to take into consideration when selecting the right kind of domain name for your online business. It is important that the name you select is one which will clearly mark you out against your competitors if you want to make money from it. Below we offer 10 domain name tips that can make you money online and which will help when it comes to selecting the right one for your online business.

Tip 1 - Along with choosing a keyword rich domain name it also has to be one that clearly reflects the service or product you are selling. For example if you are going to be offering detailed maps of Europe then a name such a euromaps.com should be used. Or if for example you are selling unusual cheeses then a name like weirdcheese.com is ideal.

Tip 2 - If you can by domain names that are either existing or which have expired. When it comes to getting ranked high in Google the older the domain the much higher they generally get ranked. When looking for a domain name select ones that are at least a year old. In order to check the domain including whether the page rank has been forged use something checkpageranking.com to do so.

Tip 3 - You need to ensure that you select top level domain names (TLD). The ones that you should be looking for are those that end in .com, .info, .net and .org. However, if you want domain names that relate to a specific country then go for ones that like in the UK are .co.uk.

Tip 4 - Before you purchase any TLD's make sure that they are all available first. Although there are plenty of services you can use to do this they do cost, but it is worth the investment. Otherwise you may be faced with issues relating to the validity of your purchase later on.

Tip 5 - When you do get round to purchasing your domain names go for a extended period of say around 10 years. Just as with the older domain names ones purchased for an extended period tend to rank higher in the pages of search engines like Google than those that have been brought for say a year.

Tip 6 - The domain names you select should be ones that are short and which visitors to your site will remember easily. These types of domain names will help to get visitors to your site returning time after time.

Tip 7 - Although hyphens can be used in domain names it is preferable not to have them. But if you are finding it difficult to get the right domain name without hyphens and have to go with one with then make sure that it has no more than one in it. Any more than one and the search engines will begin to penalize you for this because they think it is too spammy.

Tip 8 - Avoid those domain names that relate to a certain brand or trademark as there will be other businesses you will have to compete with to get visitors to your site. In fact using such names will greatly reduce the chances of getting those all important visitors to yours and so reducing the chances of you making any kind of money from it.

Tip 9 - The domain names you select can have letters, numbers or hyphens within them but should never have any spaces. Spaces like too many hyphens in a domain name can lead to it being penalized by the search engines such as Google because they consider it too spammy.

Tip 10 - When purchasing and parking domain names make sure that you use the same registrar. Not only does it make it easier for you to update your contact details but also when it comes to renewing them. Once you have found a registrar you can trust ensure that you do keep all contact information updated especially your email address. Otherwise when it comes to being informed of the domains renewal you won't be given the information.

In this article we have given you 10 domain name tips that can make you money online. By choosing the most appropriate domain names for your site the more chances you have of getting those all important visitors to come to it. This in turn increases your chances of making those all important sales. Keeping the above 10 domain name tips that can make you money online will help to ensure that you select those that are most suitable for your online business.

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