
Link Your Way to Page #1 on Google

By Mary Olsen

One of the most critical things you can do to raise your search engine rankings and bring more traffic to your site is to convince other websites to link to yours. Running a linking campaign is free, of course, and it is not rocket science, but doing it well does take significant time and effort. I recommend a couple of ways to find websites which might be willing to link to you.

One way to do that is to do a simple search to find websites on the same topic(s) as your site, or closely related topics. If you own a do it yourself website , as an example, you can use search terms like "carpentry", "indoor painting", "installing cabinets", "plumbing supplies", and "kitchen remodeling " to discover sites which may be willing to link to yours.

Or, you can take another route. Just identify a related site which is highly popular, and find the websites which link to it. You can do that with a search in Google or alltheweb.com for "link:" (without the quotation marks) and the complete URL of the popular website. For example, link:http://www.college-scholarships.com (and don't forget the colon after the word "link"). There are also software programs which can search for appropriate websites automatically.

Once you have found these websites; the websites most likely to link to yours, go to them, cut and paste the email addresses of their webmasters, and request a link. An email which is polite, well written, and summarizes the content of your website will help you achieve the best results.

The description of your site must be interesting and explain why the webmaster's visitors will find it helpful or enjoyable. Be persuasive but avoid hyperbole.

You can also offer the webmaster something in return. For example:

a. a link from your site to theirs.

b. information of value to website owners. For instance, you might offer to let them know where to find information on great no-cost website promotion tools.

Contact a minimum of twenty-five (25) webmasters a day. If just 10% link to you, you will net 75 links a month.

If you follow this advice, you should experience an almost immediate, albeit modest, increase in visitors to your website. However, the biggest benefit of a good linking campaign, higher search engine rankings, will take a bit longer. There is no magic formula, and there are lots of variables, but your search engine ranking could improve in as little as a few weeks, and should continue to improve as time goes on and more sites link to you as both a direct result of your efforts and webmasters seeing your links on other sites.

Keep at it and, all things being equal, you can obtain the kind of search engine rankings which can transform your website from a hobby (as my wife originally referred to my first site) to a site which gets enough traffic to provide you with a meaningful income.

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