
Why People May Call YourNetBiz A Scam

By Damian Benko

With the explosive popularity of online businesses due to the recent economic downturn, many have found and are researching this automated type of internet business, named YourNetBiz.

This company was created by three partners and launched on April 2nd, 2008. There have been several changes made to this company since they started however; many are still concerned what exactly they do and if it should be labeled as a scam or legitimate business opportunity.

In order to answer this question, you need to understand the definition of the word scam. From the Websters dictionary, the definition is: a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation.

Taking this information into account and then looking at what YourNetBiz represents, and then you'll see that this is definitely not a scam. The problem exists because of how people are brought into the company.

People join through their sponsors aka associates. Since all sponsors are unique and independent, representations of YourNetBiz can be mis-communicated through unethical marketing tactics.

This is where as someone considering joining this business would need to closely examine their recruiting sponsor. As a precaution, YourNetBiz takes very seriously misrepresentation from their members and has instituted strict marketing guidelines for their members to follow.

Even with strict guidelines, its still impossible for them to know what each sponsor is promising their prospects that are looking into joining their business. When a violation is discovered, the management of YourNetBiz issues a warning and demands that it be stopped immediately or their account will be automatically shut down.

The YourNetBiz online business gives their members a ton of great benefits, which is more than many other business opportunities out there and is definitely a legitimate internet business, however, before you join, it would be a good idea to do your research on the member that you'll be personally working with.

As with any new business, who you partner with can do far more for you than what you business you get involved with. People make the difference and companies or opportunities are just a vehicle for you success.

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