
Beautiful Rugs in Different Sizes, Shapes and Colors

By Benedict Perez

The rugs can always coordinate with the colors in your home and any of decors and other pieces of furniture. Choose those with eco-friendly materials and must be washable to avoid the growth of dust mites. They are one of the most important things you must have in any floor area of your home. Rugs come in different sizes, shapes and colors with designs that may be in solid pattern or in prints.

Keeping them clean is important to prolong their life span and make the look good most of the time. You can vacuum them everyday or much better shampoo them regularly or as often once a week to avoid allergens hibernating in them. Make sure you always keep your rugs clean especially those in the childrens rooms.

In using any cleaner it is important that you test it first in a hidden area of the rug to be sure your cleaner does not affect its color. Soak them first for at least thirty minutes to make sure the dust in them are removed.

In using any cleaner it is important that you test it first in a hidden area of the rug to be sure your cleaner does not affect its color. Soak them first for at least thirty minutes to make sure the dust in them are removed.

Children are children and you cannot avoid spilling juices or any liquid on the rugs in their room. You can deodorize the rug by sprinkling baking soda and wait for thirty minutes before you vacuum to save you from time and effort in washing one. In case of strong odors, you may rinse only the affected portion with a twenty-eighty proportion of vinegar and water.

You can also inquire for some tips on how to care for your expensive and elegant underfoot. As much as possible, you must clean spills on at once by blotting them with a clean white cloth rather than scrubbing them to prevent unnecessary damage on the material. Bear in mind the stains are harder to remove if you allow them to sit longer.

Rugs are additional accents in your home and can complement your decors and provide a beautiful appearance on your floor. You can find on certain websites a vast array of collection in several colors, shapes, styles and designs to fit your taste for rugs.

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