
Some Myths and Some Truths about Getting Website Traffic.

By Donnie Boots

There's a lot of debate about how to get website traffic in an effective manner. Some purists will say that all you need to do is write good content and the visitors and backlinks will follow.To a large degree this is correct, but your website will never perform well as an island. There needs to be some way of forcing people to notice your site without having to rely on the "kindness of strangers" recommending your site to other via word of mouth, hyperlinks and perhaps even email.

So if article marketing is a good way to get traffic, what are the myths and truths? Many people claim that article marketing is one of the best long-term ways to get traffic to your sites. So let us get to the myths.

For starters, the majority of traffic that comes to most webmasters' sites come from the search engines. Therefore there is a limit to how much referral traffic you're going to get from articles you submitted for publication on sites not your own.

After all if good content is what's needed to make sales and convert visitors into buyers, then what good is there to creating duplicate copies of articles or even rewritten articles that sound somewhat readable but do an inferior job of converting the readers into buyers? An article that is "spun" so as to appear to be unique in the search engines' eyes does a good job of seeming unique and getting indexed, but conversion rates are lost in the process.

Suppose you read a review on My Article Network and notice that people are making some sales from each article they submit and syndicate. My question is if these services are getting your articles syndicated on hundreds or thousands of sites and you only made a couple of sales, what's that tell you about the effectiveness of your article submitted to 1192 sites?

It makes sense to go and focus on getting more search engines traffic, not just referral traffic from article marketing. The majority of your website traffic most likely comes from natural searches from the search engines, and you can look at your site statistics right now and you'll see this is true almost all the time.

It stands to reason that while article marketing and syndication is good for making sales, it's best used as a method for generating backlinks to help increase your rankings in the SERPs. Often people do not want to acknowledge that searches are more effective than the articles they slaved over. Just look at your cpanel statistics for your site and you can see where your traffic comes from.

Do you know how to increase your traffic to your website without having to write dozens or hundreds of articles? I do. Use one of the backlink services like LinkVana. Their job is to build links back to your site . It is effective and saves you time. And saves you the hassle of writing a bucket full of 250-word or 300-word articles.

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