
Are You Making All You Want From Affiliate Marketing?

By John Daley

I'm contacted all the time from newcomers to the Affiliate Marketing industry. Their stories are all pretty much the same. They want to know why they're not making any money with affiliate programs. And the answer to most of these questions are pretty much the same.

I usually know without visiting their websites what the problem is. That's because I continue to see it time and time again. The reason is because many of these beginners are taking the advice of people who have never made a dime with affiliate programs. You see, there is a whole industry out there made up of people who couldn't hack it in affiliate marketing so they turned to selling crap to Noobs. Noobs don't know any better so they make excellent targets to be taken advantage of.

Below are a few of my thoughts about the mistakes I continue to see Noob's make.

What kind of affiliate program are you using? If you're trying to sell something like a Chia pet, then you have to realize that it's been over done and there is little market for something like this online. The best affiliate programs to push are those that are in demand from the masses. Look for niches that few are covering and pick several. Then add traffic for success.

Take a look at your competition. Are there major companies already pushing the product with their huge advertising budget? It's one thing if they are branding their product with advertising but it's totally another if they are selling directly with their big budget ad campaign.

One of the biggest mistakes I see Noobs make is that they give up too soon. Affiliate marketing is a long term project and you should never enter this business thinking you're going to strike it rich over night. When I start a website, I expect it to take at least 6 months to become productive if it's in a low competition market. 12 to 18 momths if it is in a very competitive market. Sure, you can take a shortcut and use pay per click ad programs like Google Adwords, but you'd better have deep pockets and know what you're doing!

Another common mistake I see beginners make is driving the wrong type of traffic to their affiliate offers. It doesn't matter if you have the best deal on the Internet, if you're driving people who have no use or who are not in the buying mode, then your efforts are going to fail. As the old saying goes, sell to people who are wanting to buy your product! If you're driving hordes of Social traffic to your site and wondering why you're not making the sales, it's because Social traffic does not convert well. These people are just surfing the Internet looking for something to read, they're not in the buying mode. Organic search engine traffic converts much better.

Pre-selling your offers is a must to be super successful in this industry. You have to show your traffic why they must buy from you and no one else. Show them the benefits and features of each product and why your the person they should buy off of. Fail to do this and they may just use your site to learn about a product or service then click off and go to Wal-Mart and buy it. People want to buy from you if they believe they're getting a good deal on a valuable product. Give them a reason to trust you and make them want to buy from you and they'll beat a path to your door.

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