
Top 5 Blogging Musts

By Randy The Hermit

If you are blogging you need to know have a few blogging instructions to make sure you are starting out on the right foot.

1.) Make sure your blog is set up on the right hosting service. - By this I mean, should you be using a free blogging services like WordPress.com and Blogger.com or should you be setting up a blog on your own domain.

If you are planning on using your blog to promote an existing business or if you are planning to use it in any way to make money I recommend that you set up your blog on your own site. If you are just using a blog to tell your friends what is going on or to let out your personal rants with no plans to make money with it you should be fine on the free services.

Having your own domain name and your own site makes it so that you can add features like plugins that will optimize your site for better performance in the search engines which should bring more targeted prospects to your site.

2,) What blogging software should you use - you have the choice of lots of software but I recommend you stay with WordPress because it has the most support, the most plugins and the most themes and almost all of them are free and easy to use.

3.) Keep your blog in one niche - I do a lot of blog research and I constantly find blogs that have numerous niches covered. They will cover items such as custom cigars and acne on the same blog. Most of these are using some type of auto-posting system and throwing in Adsense and other advertising programs. These are the type of sites that make the search engines and PPC advertising systems change their rules and end up hurting everybody.

Staying on topic for your specific niche will make you the obvious expert and will help on conversions whether you are selling your own product or are referring your readers to affiliate products. You will become known for your niche.

Your niche should be something that you have an interest in. Even if you aren't the expert you should still be able to tell if a post is good or if it sucks and only put good ones on.

4.) Do some keyword research - Keywords are the heart and soul of your blog. If you are relying on the search engines to get traffic to your site you need make sure you are using keywords that are being searched and are targeted to your niche.

Google's keyword tool is a free service where you can see exactly how many people are searching for your keywords on Google every month. This is a great place to start your keyword research.

5.) Make your blog personal - most people don't like to listen to the anonymous stranger that is trying to give them advice. The much prefer to be able to build a relationship with the person (even if only in their own minds) and feel that they know the person giving the advice. You can do this by writing the articles in your own voice or even just putting a picture of yourself on your blog.

These are some the most important things to know about blogging if you use these as your guideline you will end up with a blog that you enjoy working on and your viewers enjoy reading.

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