
Google Shadow - Real Deal or Pure Hype?

By Linus Rylander

Is Google Shadow going to live up to its expectations? Chris X and the Day Job Killer team has released a bunch of Clickbank bestsellers like Day Job Killer, Google Assassin, and their latest - Google Nemesis. But are they going to do it again?

In this review of Google Shadow you'll find out precisely what Google Shadow and the Day Job Killer team has in store for you.

Chris McNeeney found the "Shadow" at a popular internet marketing convention, and after talking to him for a while... Tim, the Shadow, revealed that he had been making six figures every month, totally flying past everyone's noses.

This guy in question, is Tim Houston. Amazingly, Tim has been doing this with no website, and none of his own products at all! And with no website... and none of his own products, and just a few tiny little Google ads - he's been raking in $100k per month as an affiliate marketer.

So Chris McNeeney from Day Job Killer managed to get this guy to spill out all of the inner workings of his secret methods for making boatloads of cash through Google Adwords.

Just to give you a quick overview, The Google Shadow Method does not require:

*Any experience with Google Adwords, affiliate marketing or anything else.

*NO website creation ever.

*No wasting hours trying to please Google's Quality Score.

This Method is so off the wall and so unique and each campaign is launched with only 3 keywords! Yes, three.

The Google Shadow calls his Method... Affiliate Marketing For Those "On The Inside."

But how well does the Google Shadow system actually work? Direct linking with the Google Cash method is becoming harder by the day, but with Tim's unique twist on it, it does appear to work. And plus - has Chris and Ken disappointed us before?

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