
Law Firm PPC - Beat Your Competition With Professional Help

By david wolf

Law firms like many other businesses often make a very expensive mistake when it comes to marketing law with PPC. Firms are competing in a very competitive market place where one client can be worth thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars. With that kind of money at stake, there is a lot to gain or lose. Is there anything the can give your firm the edge?

The simple answer is to be better than your competition. Of course gaining those skills can take a PPC marketer years and a lot of money to be able to compete. Most legal firms decide to do there PPC internally. Often times someone suggested they need to start marketing online and mentioned google and everyone came to the consensus of adsense. The trouble is it doesn't work out to be so easy, and you are wasting your firms marketing budget. This might be a solution.

In your right mind would ever recommend a client represent themselves in court with little or no court experience? Why not? You would not do that because you know that regardless of how smart that person is, they have no court experience or expertise. This is something that requires years of experience to master. A rocket scientist may be smarter than you but they do not know that asking to dismiss a piece of evidence because the paper work wasn't filed properly was even an option.

What your firm should be doing is getting an expert in the field of PPC to manage the campaign for you. The reason is the same reason a PPC expert should hire a lawyer for law advice. PPC marketers spend years honing their skills to stay competitive. Most likely you are competing against them right now if you are advertising online, and you are at a huge disadvantage. Normally a good PPC management firm would charge 15% of your marketing budget + an hourly rate to do the the testing, tweaking, and research. This is not set in stone and is merely an industry average of sorts. Often times other arrangements are made.

Is it worth 15% You bet. If you get a good firm, the increased effectiveness in your campaign could easily double, if not triple. They know how to make your campaign larger, more targeted, and more effective on the same budget. They can even get the people that see your ads who are not potential clients to not click them and cost you money.

This results in several effects. The most important effect is that you will decrease your cost per conversion. Cost per conversion is the amount of money it costs you to get whatever you determine is the metric to use. If it is a contact form you are after, than that is the conversion. If it is the sale of a traffic ticket defense package, then that is your conversion. It can be lowered in two ways, less cost per click, or better targeted click. Imagine if you will that you had a marketing budget of $4000 for the month. If you could get 50 leads out of that your cost per lead is $40. If if you could get 100 leads with the same marketing budget, your cost per lead drops to $20.

That would mean that you could charge more per click, because you are converting at a higher rate. Here are several important factors that effect PPC campaigns and how effective they are. You can ask prospective marketing firms about these, they should have answer to all or almost all of them.

Optimizing your landing pages for the keywords you are targeting is extremely important. If you are targeting clients for emergency room malpractice, you want to point them to a page on your site specifically about malpractice law and not your main page. The more specific and relevent you can get the page the better.

Testing testing testing. Very few PPC campaigns are profitble on the first day. You have to test and see what works. You should be making multiple versions of your ads, and multiple groups of ads. The more specific and niche you can get with your ads the better. See which ones perform and which ones do not. Keep the best performers and then test them against more ads.

Analytics are one of, if not the most important factors in PPC marketing. You need to be able to see where you sign ups are coming from. Without analytics, 1000 people could click on an ad from a keyword you were bidding on and you would not know whether anyone signed up or not. Analytics is what let you know which keywords to bid more on, and which to stop bidding on all together.

Keyword Research: You want to find out what your target market is searching for, and how much competition there is. You also want to know the strength of the keywords commercial intent. This means is the person using that word in the discovery phase of the decision cycle, the comparison phase, or the action phase. Start by marketing to the action phased words first. That way you can save on clicks from 15 year old mesothelioma research reports.

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