
How Article Marketing Can Increase Your Traffic

By Ed Hodgson

In order to build an effective marketing strategy, you have to include article marketing within your toolkit. Without it, you will find it harder than you thought to start generating an online income. Article marketing is incredibly powerful when used correctly.

There are many free ways of advertising a product or service online. Be aware that just because these methods are free, they are any less effective than paid methods. Don't disregard these effective marketing methods.

This is how you do it.

Well, you should already have the software - Microsoft Word.

You want to be aiming for an article length of around 400 words. This is good for the directories to which you will submit your work. It's surprisingly easy to come up with a 400 word article - don't panic. Just write about what you know about, after doing a little research, and let your personality show.

Your article content will obviously relate to your website content in some way. So pick a specific aspect of your business, website or service and write your article. Remember it wants to be around 400 to 500 words, so make sure you stay on subject.

It also needs to be informative and of value to the reader so that if you think of the article title as the question, then the main body of your article should provide the answer. The reader of your article wants to know that theyve gained something from your article and that it was of use to them.

I want to emphasise this point: your article MUST provide quality content. You will eventually publish many articles but quality should never be sacrificed for quantity.

Submitting your articles is free with many article directories. I would recommend using www.ezinearticles.com, or just go to Google " there are plenty out there. Id advise you to submit each of your articles to at least 3 separate article directories. This will increase the amount of potential traffic to your site.

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