
Advertising is not Marketing...

By Gregor Anton

by Vancouver Marketing Consultant and Small Business Coach Gregor Anton.

There is a common misconception of what Marketing is...

I'm not entirely surprised. Marketing has always been somewhat of a mystery to most small business owners. TV ruined marketing when commercials were invited and the corporate world with its deep pocket and huge advertising budget has misguided many into thinking that this is Marketing. Well it's not!

What Marketing is not...

* Advertising
* Flyers
* Cold Calling
* Word of Mouth
* Referrals
* Social Media
* Search Engine Optimization
* etc, etc, etc...

Don't get me wrong, some of the above tactics may work well. However more often not I've seen them work very badly...

Most advertising is just poorly done, typically created by a graphic designer or ad-sales person that has no clue on how to create a proper marketing message. Same applies to Flyers.

Cold Calling isn't necessary these days. With the right Marketing Script and Strategy it can be entirely avoided. As well, Warm Calling is a better route to go.

Word of Mouth sounds great and might even get you some business. The bad news is that most word of mouth campaigns, including referral programs, are so poorly put together that they are lucky they work. The good ones could easily double their profits with the right marketing strategy and marketing message.

Social media is a fad... Yet another technology that is mostly confusing and so alien to the majority of small business owners that many marketers and wanna be marketers have started introducing workshops, seminars, and even written books on the subject... Save your time, energy, and money. 80% of the time you don't even need social media and the other 20% of the time there are better ways to use social media that you can do yourself without needing so called social media experts.

Search Engine Optimization has been plagued with its share of scams and overnight get rich quick promises. The fact is that you don't have to be a techie and neither do you have to be spending the big bucks so called SEO experts want to charge you.
What is Marketing?

Marketing is the bigger picture. The marketing strategy. The marketing system. What tactics to employ. Where and when to deploy them. How to best sculpt your marketing campaign for optimum results. Marketing is about the bottom line, results. Constantly testing and measuring. Keeping on top of conversion rates. Having a killer marketing message, a strategic marketing plan, and most importantly a low-cost, no-cost, MacGyver approach to getting things done rather than talking about it. How to systematize your marketing efforts. Rinse & Repeat!

Marketing gives you the best results when you take ownership and hold yourself accountable. Sure, you need a starting point. And that's what Marketing Coaches are for. To teach you how to fish.

Isn't it time you stepped up to the plate and made Marketing a Priority? Yes or Yes!? Thought so.

Attend one of my webinars and discover how you can take become a better marketer than the so-called marketing experts.

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